Rita Luong – Sept Member Update

How have things changed for you since lockdown started in July (and church went back to online)?

I work at Liverpool Hospital, so we’ve had to take covid tests, apply for a travel permit, and wear full PPE to visit covid-positive patients.

How are you feeling about all the uncertainty? What are you most worried about?

I worry a lot about whether I’m bringing covid home to my family. I’m more stressed than usual, and work in mental health, so I’m worried about keeping my own mental health good and not burning out.

How has God been encouraging you?

Been reading Knowing God by J.I. Packer and it’s so awesome how he teaches about different aspects of God. I’ve been able to pray more, and I really enjoy preparing for our Ladies Growth Group.

What are you looking forward to once restrictions ease?

Having Christmas with extended family, showing our new dog Cassie to all the relatives and taking her to new places to exercise, seeing Eliza more

How could our church be caring for you? Eg. Prayer, someone to chat with, financial help, groceries, a zoom dinner date, someone to play games with…

Prayer for my mental health, and also for wisdom about life decisions. We’re thinking and praying about whether to move houses/and churches to somewhere closer to the water.

Any other comments?

It’s easy to stay in your own bubble, but try and stay connected… It’s awkward and I feel out of practice talking, but just zoom with someone!