Hewitt Le – Sept Member Update

How have things changed for you since lockdown started in July (and church went back to online)?

I’ve been getting more sleep and doing all of my uni classes online. It’s great being able to wake up 30 seconds before class starts 🙂

How are you feeling about all the uncertainty? What are you most worried about?

I’m worried about what life is going to look like after lockdown. A lot of change in a short amount of time is definitely scary for me and I’m sure there’s plenty of people that want to go outside once restrictions ease. I hope that the cases won’t jump ridiculously high when everything starts going back to normal.

What are you looking forward to once restrictions ease?

I’m looking forward to teaching in an actual classroom, playing volleyball, meeting up with uni mates and friends and of course going to church physically and then eating food 🙂

How has God been encouraging you?

God has been encouraging to really focus on myself and how I can improve as a Christian. That involves being content with what God has given or chosen for me, focussing on consistency in Quiet Time and continuing with fellowship and meetups online.

How could our church be caring for you? Eg. Prayer, someone to chat with, financial help, groceries, a zoom dinner date, someone to play games with…

I think I am well cared for if I’m honest. I believe the best thing would be prayer since I’m going through a lot of uncertainty with medical treatments and the potential for surgery.