Tell us a little about yourself, for people who may not know you.
I am a first-year uni student studying primary education at Western Sydney University. During the week, I am usually studying, reading, meeting up with friends from church, and trying to keep myself busy in various ways. I have a few hobbies – basketball, video games and reading.
How did you find out about CAC?
I started coming to CAC around mid-2017 for ACCESS youth group and decided to start attending church around late 2017. This decision was influenced by my friend David Ada, who invited me to youth group and kept working on me and trying to get me to know more about God. This eventually led me to start attending church as I found interest in Christianity.
How did you become a Christian?
Becoming a Christian was a slow process as I was always sceptical about religion. At the same time, I was curious about it because I believed there was a higher being. However, my friend David convinced me to come to church and learn more about Christianity and God.
As I continued to attend church I found myself learning more and becoming interested in the stories of the Bible, Christianity and God. As I learned more I found myself in awe about God and the things he has done for us. This led me to eventually put my trust in God, which is where I am now!
What do you see as the biggest change in yourself since becoming a Christian?
My biggest changes after becoming a Christian are maturity and awareness. Maturity in the fact that as I began to learn more and more about the Bible it’s not just trusting in God but the fact that we have to genuinely repent and try to better ourselves. After becoming Christian and learning more, I’ve started becoming more self-aware of the flaws and sinful tendencies I have.
What’s one piece of encouragement you would like to share with fellow Christians?
One encouragement I would like to share with my fellow brothers and sister is the importance of prayer. Prayer is one of those things that people tend to shake off or neglect. However, prayers is one of the ways we can communicate and build on our relationship with God. It allows us to grow spiritually and it has had a huge impact on my life as a Christian. It gives the opportunity for reflect and admire God and the grace he has given us. Overall prayer has a huge impact and allows us to grow, making it something that is important to keep persevering in.